Tromsø Shipyard has been located at Skansen in Tromsø since 1848. The yard has been the subject of a number of historical events, including the equipment of large Arctic expeditions, and it is and has been a central part of the cityscape. The yard has been moved and operations on the yard site were terminated on 31 December 2017.
The housing project Vervet v / Total Eiendom AS has taken over the property. Masses are filled in at sea, masses are replaced and rigs are built for the construction of homes and shops. The area will be a new district in Tromsø, and it has been named "Vervet". In addition to homes and businesses, a conference hotel will be built. The demolition and relocation of the shipyard began in the summer of 2017.
I have taken pictures of the yard while it was still in operation, the demolition phase and the construction of Vervet as a new district. Although the photo project follows a transformation from shipyards to homes and businesses, it is not a documentary project. I would like to emphasize my perception of the various phases and the journey towards the completion of Vervet. I have chosen black and white photography as my form of expression as it creates room for the use of dramatic contrasts and texture in what I would say is a dramatic shift in the cityscape.
The photo project will be completed around the completion of the first construction phase for homes and hotels. Thanks to Vervet who supports my project.